
论文题目 作者
Fire Phoenix facilitates phytoremediation of PAH-Cd co-contaminated soil through promotion of beneficial rhizosphere bacterial communities Dai, Yuanyuan
Evaluation of the 18O-H2O incubation method for measurement of soil microbial carbon use efficiency Lingrui Qu
Above‐ and below‐ground biodiversity jointly regulate temperate forest multifunctionality along a local‐scale environmental gradient Zuoqiang Yuan
Decoupled diversity patterns in bacteria and fungi across continental forest ecosystems Liu Shengen
Fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency and fates in maize cropping systems across China: Field 15N tracer studies Quan, Zhi
Isotopic evidence that recent agriculture overprints climate variability in nitrogen deposition to the Tibetan Plateau Li, Zhengjie
Nonlinear responses of soil nematode community composition to increasing aridity Xiong, Dan
Tree species traits affect which natural enemies drive the Janzen-Connell effect in a temperate forest Shihong Jia
Effects of long-term no-tillage with different straw mulching frequencies on soil microbial community and the abundances of two soil-borne pathogens Wang, Huanhuan
Hydroxyl radical oxidation of cyclic methylsiloxanes D4 similar to D6 in aqueous phase Han, Wenjing